Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Webspiration: Take 2. Action!

After my botched attempt to show everyone in class how great Webspiration is, I was saddened to see that I couldn't open the program on the computer. When I tried today on my laptop, it worked just fine. *shrug*

Technology today. I just don't get it.

Anywho, at the bottom of this entry is the link that will lead you to my "collaborative story" (except, it's really not collaborative because I was the only contributor). The main idea of the lesson I presented was for one student to start a story as other students gradually built the storyline by adding "snippets" to the Webspiration program. They can invite each other to their personal Webspirations via email and the possibilities for creativity are (literally) endless.

I know my personal Wesbpiration isn't that great because I only tinkered around with it for an hour or so. I believe that, with some direction, the students will excel at this. Most of them will enjoy it and many will remember it.

This is just something to think about as you're teaching. When you pair writing with social interaction, the students will enjoy it more. Another benefit of this is that it is not interactive writing in the classroom where everyone is sitting in close proximity trying to talk at the same time. Can you imagine the headaches? Nevertheless, students need to collaborate and express themselves to one another. With Webspiration, they can do this on the go, from home, from their phones, in the library, etc.

If you hate this program and all else fails, Webspiration can still be used as a kick-butt graphic organizer.


1 comment:

  1. Tym,

    I went to your link and think this is a fabulous idea! I know that many ELA teachers incorporate fiction writing in the classroom, and this would truly be a great exercise. It could be done in the computer lab, or outside of school. I think it could also be done in story analysis, and even in research if students are working on similar topics.

    As we'll read later this semester, drawing mediates thinking and enables us more time to consider drafts. I think this exercise would allow for students to get multiple ideas.

    One of these days when we have more free time, I'd love to pull up this link.
